Check out these tips to keep those veggies at home being fresh and healthy for a longer time! Here's how to increase their shelf-life! 1. GREEN CHILLIES Remove stems. Place all green chillies in an airtight container and freeze. Use as required. SHELF LIFE: 2 MONTHS. 2. TOMATOES Remove the eye of each tomato, slice and then freeze. Transfer the frozen tomatoes to a Ziploc back. Remove all air, using a straw, from a corner of the bag. SHELF LIFE: 1 MONTH. 3. PEAS Process: Boil water, blanch peas and transfer to a bowl of ice-cold water. Place peas in a Ziploc bag and freeze. This process can be used for carrots, beans, corn and even spinach, with a shelf life of 3 months. SHELF LIFE: 8-12 MONTHS. 4. CORIANDER Layer coriander evenly between paper towels and place in a container in the fridge. SHELF LIFE: 1 MONTH. Guys tag your family & friends in the comments or share this w...